July 17, 2007

Desktop Woes

So, I did the F8 thing that Inspector suggested. My computer is defragmenting in safe-mode right now.

Attempting to start it up with the last good configuration didn't seem to work.

I'm kind of worried about what could be wrong with it. I really don't think it's a virus since I rarely do any web surfing on that machine. (I think I'm a savvy enough user to avoid most of the common means of infection, too, but shizzle does happen fo' rizzle.)

The worst part is that I don't think I have any spyware/adware cleaner-upper programs on my machine. (Yeah. As usual, I'm the perfect disaster victim.)

In other news, I think my laptop is running hot. I've been shutting it down while I'm not using it so as to avoid any deleterious effects of the summer heat, but it's a Dell and I heard a rumor that this particular model has had some trouble with the cooling fans. (The rumor also said that Dell is not particularly helpful in resolving the issue.)

If my lappy dies and my desktop dies, I will be in a world of pain and suffering. Of course, it would give me an excuse to begin introducing the wonderful world of Apple into my life, in preparation for the arrival of an iPhone in the winter. Silver lining!

Anyway, we'll see how my desktop fixy-process goes. I'll let you know if I ever manage to get it started up again.

Posted by Flibbertigibbet at July 17, 2007 09:50 PM | TrackBack

On your desktop:
If you can boot in safe mode, I wouldn't be too worried. If the chkdsk/defrag doesn't fix the problem, windows may be failing to load because of a bad/corrupt driver. You'll need to try a bit of process of elimination, but try the display driver first--maybe you'll get lucky. Hey wait, don't you work in technology?

On your lappy:
A dell laptop...? Dude... Um...

Posted by: Matt Chancellor at July 17, 2007 11:35 PM

Free antivirus program:

AVG antivirus - www.grisoft.com

Free anti-spyware:

Spybot - www.safer-networking.org/en/download/

also use this too: Adaware - http://www.lavasoftusa.com/software/adaware/

Posted by: Inspector at July 18, 2007 02:27 AM

Also, Matt is right. This is not likely a big deal. Just take the opportunity to back up your stuff.

BACK UP YO' M$*#(^(#& FILES.


Posted by: Inspector at July 18, 2007 02:28 AM

Yeah, I could get it started up in safe mode, but it wouldn't start in regular mode.

Turns out I had Spybot on my machine and it found one ugly critter on there and killed it, but that still didn't get it to work.

I watched my computer do its thing and at one point it shows the blue screen of death but it's only there for a split second, so I can't see what it is.

When I get some more time to sit down with it, I will likely see if I can manage to backup what I want and then just redo the whole thing. *blech*

As for me working in technology: no. I work with technology. I make a point of staying well clear of finding out how these things work. And to be perfectly honest, I am quite ill of the amount of knowledge I do have of the sausage making.

And my Dell was cheap, so hush.

Posted by: Flibbert at July 18, 2007 08:58 AM

Try running those other programs in safe mode first, before you reload windows. Also, reloading won't necessarily destroy any of your data.

Posted by: Inspector at July 20, 2007 01:09 AM

Oh, and one final thing: if you get to the point of re-installing Windows, at the last second, there is an option to "repair this copy of Windows" instead of re-installing. (not "repair with the recovery console," but after that)


In fact, a trojan slipped past my AVG somehow today and I had to do just that. It takes some time but there's nothing hard about it.

Posted by: Inspector at July 21, 2007 05:11 AM
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