May 25, 2006

This Blog Sucks

Someone told me today that I need to put more links on my blog.

And just now I realized that my blog(s) suck.

I don't write much new stuff these days. This blog is pretty much just a journal and a forum for me to fly into verbal histrionics in a place where people who know me can be embarrassed to know me.

Like when I misspell stuff.


I need to fish or get off the toilet. Or something. (I am a horrified as you are by the mixture of those two cliches. Don't worry.)

So, I'll be giving that some thought.

Posted by Flibbertigibbet at May 25, 2006 07:15 PM | TrackBack

My suggestion: more pictures of you.

Posted by: Britton at May 26, 2006 11:45 AM
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