December 03, 2004

A Message to Those Not Accustomed to the Vernacular

"Y'all" is plural.

There. It had to be said.

Do not say y'all when you're talking to just one person. And yes, I'm talking to YOU. You know who you are.

Also, it's a contraction of you and all. So, the spelling is y'all not ya'll, which would be a contraction of ya and will or something.

Posted by Flibbertigibbet at December 3, 2004 12:32 PM

There is a state/county/something park near Abilene, Texas that has a sign at the exit asking "Ya'll" to come back. That still irritates me when I remember it.

Yeah, I need a hobby.

Posted by: Jennifer at December 4, 2004 01:31 AM

And then there's the, uh, "extra plural" of y'all:

All y'all.

I couldn't describe the difference or explain when which version is appropriate to save my life. But I know it when I hear it. There're times all y'all is just, you know, more proper.

Posted by: ilyka at December 7, 2004 06:10 AM
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