August 12, 2007

Obloggers Posts of the Week

Here's this week's OBloggers Post of the Week round up:

Rational Jenn talks about Baby Einstein and then she talks about the possibility of a bloggers union. I don't know why people need a union. My salary as a blogger TRIPLED last year and is sure to increase even more this year since I merged two of my blogs into this one.

Gus van Horn is talking about leftists and Iraq.

Nick Provenzo submitted two links. Each are posts by Ed Cline. In this first one, he confronts the irritatingly common claim by conservatives that America was founded on Christian principles. To do so, he presents us with evidence that secular principles were behind this grand experiment in freedom that we call home. The second link is a discussion of parallels between our real life Hilary Clinton and one of the characters from The Fountainhead.


Posted by Flibbertigibbet at August 12, 2007 03:08 PM | TrackBack
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