August 08, 2007

"The most unfunny thing is a person without an opinion."

Flibbert: You saw the Obama Girl videos, right?
Flibbert: The ones I sent to you and then you sent me the Joy Behar thing.

Johndavid: Yeah

Flibbert: Did you take the Obama Girl as an actual supporter of Barak Obama or did you assume that the video didn't actually reflect an earnestly held political opinion?

Johndavid: Exactly. I thought it was just funny, because he is not sexy at all. He's uncomfortable and neutered.

Flibbert: ha ha!
Flibbert: I take it as a video actually supporting Barak Obama, although it is funny.

Johndavid: I think my final verdict on the matter was that since people are political, and since it didn't poke direct fun at him, she was most likely a supporter.
Johndavid: But all I knew for sure was that she was being a comic.

Flibbert: Yes, definitely.
Flibbert: My point to my readers on my blog is that humor isn't without ideology
Flibbert: And because her jokes don't do anything to poke fun at Obama's campaign, they call humorous attention to it.

Johndavid: Humor necesitates ideology, I think.

Flibbert: Oh, absolutely.
Flibbert: But people think that just because they're laughing, then it's unimportant.

Johndavid: The most unfunny thing is a person without an opinion.

Flibbert: Ha ha! True.

Johndavid: You can quote me on that.

Flibbert: I will.
Flibbert: I gonna post this bit of this chat, actually.

Johndavid: I'm going to be so famous.

Flibbert: Yes, you will.
Flibbert: Want me to link to your website?
Flibbert: The fans will come swarming in.

Johndavid: Not yet.
Johndavid: I haven't locked it.

Flibbert: Oh ok.

Johndavid: When it's finished, I'm going to do a release.

Flibbert: You're missing out on free publicity here.

Johndavid: It's going to be so formal you'll love it.

Flibbert: ha ha!
Flibbert: Awesome.

Posted by Flibbertigibbet at August 8, 2007 12:29 PM | TrackBack

So. Famous.

Posted by: John David at August 8, 2007 01:01 PM

Tell the truth, you cleaned up the grammar. Nobody writes that cleanly in IM!


Posted by: Marnee at August 9, 2007 07:49 PM

Nope. I actually write in complete, punctuated sentences in IM.

It's not always spelled correctly or punctuated correctly (I'm a psycho with commas) but what you see above is actually how I chat.

Posted by: Flibbert at August 9, 2007 08:53 PM
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