June 28, 2007

Don't Be a Retard

Reuters: Court acquits teacher in "retard" case

PALERMO, Italy (Reuters) - A teacher who forced a pupil to write "I am a retard" 100 times was acquitted by an Italian court on Wednesday of abuse charges.

Reuters, Reuters, Reuters.

That lead and that headline are a leeeetle bit misleading. Way down at the end of the story they clarify:

In Italian, she made the boy write: "Io sono deficiente," which literally means "deficient" but is more commonly used as a disparaging term meaning "moron" or "mentally retarded.

Apparently, she issued this punishment after the deficiente harassed another boy and called the other boy a froscio. So, gay rights people actually sided with this teacher and called for the acquittal.

I think there are more effective ways to punish children than what was done here and I'm really perplexed as to why anyone would support such foolishness. This is one of the reasons I'm not very active in the gay "community." I refuse to agree with people on issues just because they like the same kind of sex I like.

Posted by Flibbertigibbet at June 28, 2007 09:19 AM | TrackBack
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