April 19, 2006

Wednesday Good News/Bad News

On balance, I'm in a pretty good mood today and life is good.

Good News
The weather in New York for spring is gorgeous.

Bad News
I have a bit of a cold complete with congestion, swollen glands, sore throat, and achiness.

Good News
I got to enjoy a really nice walk through midtown this afternoon as I left work at 3.

Bad News
I left work at three because we had connectivity issues so I'm working from home.

Good News
I got a SWEET deal on a completely legally licensed copy of Adobe Photoshop this week and when it comes in the mail I will be able to start posting pictures for you guys. Now and then. When I feel like it.

Bad News
My bank account didn't need Adobe Photoshop, just like it didn't need for me to pay for 3 months of personal training.

Good News
I hired a personal trainer! I'm gonna be smokin' hot for summer in NYC!

Bad News
My foot surgery from last year really has not healed the way it should. I'm afraid I will have to undergo surgery again to have my foot corrected from the correction.

Good News
Foot surgery is not today and the weather is great!

Posted by Flibbertigibbet at April 19, 2006 04:14 PM | TrackBack
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