July 08, 2007

Busy Weekend

Friday Night
- Went to the Pier to hang out with friends.
- Friends and I went to dinner
- Friends and I went to piano bars.
- I got home at 1

- Chatted with another friend about boyfriend woes.
- Met another friend for lunch.
- Met still other friends to see Transformers.
- Came home to take a quick nap.
- Met up with friends from Friday for dinner.
- Friends and I went uptown for a birthday party in a very fratacular bar. (Straight people are weird.)
- Friends and I ditched the party to hit a gay bar. (Gay people are weird.)
- I got home at 1

- I woke up and I really do not want to go work out, but I should. I'm giving myself 9 more minutes.
- Supposed to meet friends for brunch at 1 in NoLIta.

This was supposed to be a calm, relaxing, uneventful -- boring, even -- weekend! No such luck.

Posted by Flibbertigibbet at July 8, 2007 08:22 AM | TrackBack
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