July 02, 2007

Immigration Worries

Who's worried? Not me! Immigrants just don't bother me. I'm not entirely clear as to why they should bother me, though.

You know what surprises me about the whole immigration debate, though? How come it's not the Democrats who are arguing to seal the borders and keep everyone out? They're the party most vociferous about government programs and welfare systems. Many of them barely stop short of calling for out-and-out communism.

Social welfare systems rely on a large number -- an extreme majority, really -- of productive citizens who will create the wealth that they will steal and redistribute. Said systems always break down because it doesn't take long for the demand to exceed the supply because such systems inherently lack a control on demand.

That said, an influx of poor and relatively unskilled people into the economic system presents a considerable risk -- threat, even -- to the stability of welfare systems because said people are already in a position to make a claim on the program.

So, why would you argue for welfare and for immigration knowing that the latter will undermine the success of the former?

Posted by Flibbertigibbet at July 2, 2007 08:21 AM | TrackBack

I'm from Texas and the illegal aliens around here are very productive and have an excellent work ethic. They may not be well-educated or tech-savvy, but they are in high demand on farms, construction projects and in kitchens. As a group, they probably produce much more then they consume.

Posted by: Daniel at July 2, 2007 04:34 PM

Growing up in Georgia, we had a significant migrant worker population. I really can't speak to how much they produced or consumed, really, but based on their presence I would say that their employment was extremely lucrative economically speaking.

Posted by: Flibbert at July 2, 2007 04:38 PM

You'd be surprised how much burden Atlas can bear on his shoulders. The influx of more welfare state dependents provides more power to the Democrats--power which they crave. They know the welfare state won't collapse yet, because they have the producers' sanction. They see the extent to which in can be carried in Western Europe, which is hardly in a state of collapse--stagnation and decline for now, but not yet collapse.

Posted by: Tom Rexton at July 2, 2007 10:33 PM

Not only that, but altruism demands that they not only walk us to the cliff, but push us off as well. The fact that it is not in their self-interest is precisely why they do it.

Besides, just look at multiculturalism. They can't say no to The Other.

Posted by: Inspector at July 4, 2007 05:25 AM
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