June 26, 2007

The iPhone is Wicked Cool

Thanks to Diana, I've just watched a demo video for iPhone.


Posted by Flibbertigibbet at June 26, 2007 12:28 PM | TrackBack

Wait until Christmas and it will be even better! Now if I can just save up enough cash...

BTW, there are now (a few) real reviews of the iPhone by people who actually had a chance to use the REAL THING in advance!

Check out the one from Newsweek. (I can't post the link because of your spam-filter.)

Also, AT&T has released its rates for the iPhone.

Posted by: Tom Rexton at June 27, 2007 01:01 AM

What happens in December? I'm in serious debate mode. I know I should wait for the 3g model and for prices to drop but I'm such a sucker for the newest and greatest.

The rates are actually not bad - same as their other phones. And data usage is unlimited on any of the plans which is GOOD.

Posted by: Britton at June 27, 2007 08:50 AM
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