June 15, 2007

Happy Friday, All!

I have to say: I am extremely relieved to have merged my two blogs. It makes things so much easier to keep track of.

In other news, I've made some significant progress recently in my job-hunt marketing plan -- something else I don't think I've discussed with you guys.

Basically, I have a marketing plan for finding a new job. It involves establishing my real identity out here on the global intarwebs. You'll recall that one of the reasons for merging blogs involved eroding the brand of my other blog, so to speak. (This is why I am asking you all to try to not reference the name of that other blog for a while! It is very near to my real name and I need Google to start looking somewhere else.)

Anyway, there's that.

Plus, I am working on starting a small business (More on this when the project actually launches. We're in the planning stages still.) with my best friend and I'm tickled to see that moving forward.

And my workout/diet is going well. Especially the diet. I've fallen into a good rhythm with when I eat and what I eat. It goes like this:

- Egg whites first thing in the morning when I wake up.
- A protein bar at 10am
- Lunch consisting of a turkey wrap & cottage cheese or a salad laden with egg whites, chickpeas, and turkey
- A protein bar at 3pm or a bunch of almonds
- Supper consisting of something like tuna steak or chicken breast or something.

And speaking of working out, I'm up to six days a week, which is kind of crazy. In my defense, on three of those days I'm only doing about 30 minutes of cardio. I'd like to do about 45 minutes to an hour of cardio on those days, though. I just can't swing that right now as I am still getting used to doing three days of weights.

And, you know, in spite of the fact that I am launching into a new job search, I will say that work is going reasonably well.

The romance department, as you know, is still without work or prospects. I have to say that it is pretty rough being without smooches right now, but I'm doing what I can to resolve that.

And I think I'm going to go with Justin's suggestion of "Flibbert" over "Flibby." I do kind of like the sound of it and it makes Justin happy. Who knows? Maybe he'd hot and he'll go gay on us.

And tonight I'm going to go see Mika in concert. That should be fun.

Oh! And on the roommate front, I think my frustration with The Law Student has subsided a bit. He wasn't home when I got in last night and didn't come in until about 10. Immediately, he started smoking, but I was busy doing something else and just closed the door to my room. I will have opportunities to confront him about it this weekend.

Speaking of the apartment, I'm going to be cleaning like a madman this weekend. The apartment is simply filthy and although we've made lots of improvements, there is just a general dirtiness about it that needs to be resolved immediately because I'm going nuts.

Once complete, I hope to discuss with The Actor and The Law Student some system of dividing/rotating responsibilities so that the place stays clean. In any case, things simply cannot persist as they have.

So, anyway, that's a summary of my life at present.

Posted by Flibbertigibbet at June 15, 2007 09:14 AM | TrackBack
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