February 21, 2007

Easy $100

Ok. Cat food isn't great. I don't recommend eating it unless you have a good incentive like $100 or starvation.

The gravy was the worst. It was very salty.

The food itself was had the shape and texture of tofu that is made to be the shape and texture of meat. The flavor was similar to a mix of tuna and chicken.

I only gagged once and very slightly when I caught a whiff of it, but I held it in and finished the rest off with out any problems.

Easy money.

Update: Here's a reenactment from YouTube:

Posted by Flibbertigibbet at February 21, 2007 01:06 PM | TrackBack

After watching that video I will never eat cat food again.

Posted by: sompopo at February 22, 2007 08:26 AM
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