November 02, 2006

Rhubarb! Rhubarb! Rhubarb!

I just heard that Merideth Viera spilled red wine on Martha Stewart's white blouse this morning on the Today Show. Apparently, they were doing a segment on removing stains and ironing and Merideth thought it would be fun to play with the glass of red wine and she spilled it on Martha and Math Lauer.

I am disappointed that Martha's personal assistant didn't just bust a cap in Merideth right there.

Oh well. I'm sure she'll get what's coming to her.

Sorry, Merideth. It's been nice knowing you.

Fun Fact: The word "Rhubarb" used to be used by radio show actors to give the auditory impression of a mob.

Posted by Flibbertigibbet at November 2, 2006 10:32 AM | TrackBack
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