July 18, 2006

I Know They Care, But I Wish They Would Do So Quietly

One of my coworkers stopped by this morning to tell me I have a sinus infection. How he knows this is a mystery.

Another of my coworkers says that my cough has gone on for far too long and that I should ask the doctor if I have the Bubonic Plague. I've had a cough for 6 days now and it's going away. I really don't think it's time to dig out the hazmat suits just yet.

I realize that they just want me to stop sniffling and coughing, but enough is enough. I want them to go sit down and do their work.

I don't have a sinus infection. I don't have the Bubonic Plague. I don't have Bird Flu, SARS, West Nile Virus, Cancer, Tuberculosis, Viral Meningitus, or anything else.

Antibiotics will not help. Emergen-C will not help. Acupuncture will not help. Homeopathy will piss me off. And cleansing my aura by burning sage will just make everything stink.

It's just a cold and it's going away. In a few more days I will be completely fine again.

I appreciate all the concern but Team Flibby is moving on now. The next post (If I post about this again) will just be to say "See? I told you I would get better soon."

Posted by Flibbertigibbet at July 18, 2006 08:17 AM | TrackBack