July 02, 2006

Facial Hair

My first boyfriend taught me how to shave my face properly. He taught me how much shaving cream to use, which direction to go with the razor, and how to fix nicks. I was 21 years old.

At the time I was "shaving" every four days because if I didn't it looked as if I had a dirty face -- something my mother actually said around that time. Of course, unlike the girl across the hall who made the same comment, my mom licked her thumb and reached over to attempt to clean my lip.

Yes, laugh it up. Even I think it's funny now that I shave every day.

I started shaving my face every day at the end of last year and it's been prety good.

Even still, I only have a few active follicles on my cheeks. Most of my facial hair grows on the bottom of my chin and on my upper lip.

That said, I have decided to attempt a goatee.

I'll pause while that soaks in.


Yeah. A goatee.

I made this decision this weekend after not shaving for two days and noticing that I really don't look like a big, big freak.

Ok. Well, not a COMPLETE freak anyway.

The hair on my lip doesn't connect to the hair on my chin, though. So, I'm predicting that it will turn into some kind of crazy muskateer, Johnny Depp kind of insanity.

We'll see.

I've completely lost my sense of where this was going so I'm just going to bed now.


Posted by Flibbertigibbet at July 2, 2006 10:55 PM | TrackBack
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