April 25, 2006

Fitness with Flibby and Personal Trainer

I need to take some before pictures tonight because yesterday I started with a personal trainer. Right now, I've only hired him to work out with me twice a week for three months, but yesterday's workout was really good. Today, I'm feeling pretty sore, which I love.

But I want to be able to mark my progress. I'll have to pull up those old pictures to compare to today, too, since I was doing weights for a while and I've been doing ab class twice a week for the past four weeks as well.

So, maybe Fitness with Flibby will become a real thing for serious now.

Also, I think I'm going to pick up running a little bit again. I am giving thought to the New York Marathon as my first marathon. It happens in November, so we'll see!

Posted by Flibbertigibbet at April 25, 2006 10:55 AM | TrackBack
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