February 22, 2006

Offer #1 Recieved!

During my phone follow-up interview with Slamdunk, I received a message from Stretch. They've extended an offer and the price is good!

I'm still going to see what Slamdunk does and I may try to nudge them up a little.

But this is awesome news!

But, holy crap, I have so much stuff I have to take care of now. I need to start making a list.

Update: I have let the other company know about the other offer and extended to them the chance to counter. I told them I need to get back to the other company no later than Friday. I'm targeting March 16th as my start date! Let the bidding war begin!

Update 2:Ooookaaayyy... I don't like when people say "I will send you something today" and then they don't. This is especially irritating with regard to items involving my future employment. Like official offer letters. SEND ME MY PAPERS!

Posted by Flibbertigibbet at February 22, 2006 04:41 PM | TrackBack

So both jobs are in NYC?

Um, I guess that's closer to me, so I'll give my okay on that. Feel free to accept any offers now.


Posted by: Britton at February 22, 2006 09:31 PM

"Start spreadin' the news..."

Posted by: Ice Scribe at February 23, 2006 07:23 AM
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