December 02, 2005

In Which We Play Doctor

Sometimes I share too much.

I am a person who isn't disgusted by diseases and surgery. There are a few things associated with disease that make me want to puke, but generally, I am of strong fortitude and I haven't the good sense to know when it it appropriate to talk about these things.

Well, this morning in the break room, I was chugging OJ. Between gulps I was explaining to one of my coworkers that I think I am a little dehydrated since I ran out of things to drink at my house (Yes, I know about the magic thing over the sing that makes water.) and so I've only had fluids while at the office. Even though I drink a lot of water at work, it's not enough.

Of course, they wanted to know why I thought I was dehydrated.

Well, the reason is because my urine has been smelly and more yellow than usual. Not smelly like I ate asparagus or anything, but just smelly urine smell. The smell, I guess, is a little more worrisome to me than the color, but I'm not a doctor. I've also not had to urinate as much as usual. The other day, I think I only peed twice. In the whole day!

I've also been exercising more and not eating and drinking enough. The most likely cause, since nothing else regarding my health seems to have changed, is that I'm not getting enough fluids.

Not getting enough fluids, in my untrained opinion, is bad bad bad. You have to get enough to drink to have good skin and to fight diseases and to just generally keep your body running like it should.

So, I'm prescribing myself lots of fluids and no alcohol for the next few days.... to get rid of the smelly, darker urine.

And, it may surprise you, is not a topic my coworkers either care about or wish to dwell on at any length.

And yet, here you are reading about it on my blog. Funny, huh?

Posted by Flibbertigibbet at December 2, 2005 08:59 AM | TrackBack

Flib--the essayist Montaigne scooped you on this one: he was blogging (well, essaying) about his urinary difficulties back in the sixteenth century. You may well be the first poop blogger, though...;)

Posted by: Ice Scribe at December 2, 2005 11:26 AM
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