August 08, 2005

I'm Not Wolverine

Got the stitches out today and I was even allowed to walk around the doctor's office a little. But the doctor looked at my x-rays and he wants me to stay on my crutches for another two weeks. And I might not be back in my sneakers for another four weeks.


So, I'm sofa-bound for another two weeks.

This sucks.

Meanwhile, he told me about another of his patients who was doing wind sprints in just 6 weeks time. What? Is that supposed to cheer me up?

My doctor might be a sicko.

Posted by Flibbertigibbet at August 8, 2005 06:02 PM | TrackBack

.. hmmm... well, that explains the hit I got from you today... bored stiff and sitting on the couch and decided to drop by.. heh heh...

Posted by: Eric at August 8, 2005 09:49 PM
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