October 22, 2004

I'm Sorry, What Did He Mean By the Hair Comment?

I haven't told y'all this, but I'm in love.

Yeah, there's this hottie-Ruskie-Aussie-Brit-something girl just over the pond gettin' me headsprung. Not with me?

Here she is:


See that luxurious hair? Those lucious lips? Those eyes with a defiant look that just dares you to say something? How can anyone resist?

Apparently, someone named 'Todd.'

Todd says of the lovely Monica White at Th'Inkwell, "I should have guessed from the hair-do that you’d turn out to be a right-wing bean counting nut-job."

Monica is an entrepreneur, as I understand it, and her business skills are not aimed in anyway, directly, at beans, but I still have to ask: What the hell are beautiful women doing to their hair where Todd lives?

Oh. Todd lives in La-la land. I see. Never mind. Forget I asked.

Let's talk some more about how much I love Monica for reasons in addition to her being both stunning and exotic.

She's a businesswoman. Pardon while I squeal like a school-girl about greedy ladies. Ooooo!! I LOVE some greedy ladies.

And she's smart. Please go read this post. It has DIAGRAMS!! A woman who makes diagrams. Have you ever in your whole life ever heard of anything more sexy?

Where you thinking maybe something like this:

I do absolutely nothing to hide my ideas. As the old saying goes – I wear my heart on my sleeve. One better, actually, as I wear an American dollar sign around my neck...I wore it when I worked in government, I wore it when I worked in a factory, I wear it when I walk into parties of people I know are openly hostile against Americans.

There's so much more. But perhaps you wanted more provocative photos. Me, too.

Dear, Monica:

1) I would like to see pictures of you in your suit. I remember the old picture -- the one with the glasses -- I would like to see more of that.

2) I would like to see you turning someone into a pretzel. I know you can do it, Monica. Stop holding out on us.

3) I would like to see you turning someone into a pretzel whilst wearing a leather skirt, boots, and a not-TOO-clingy shirt. You know. Just for kicks.

So. If there is anything I can do to help make this happen (Sorry, I don't do hair) please let me know.

Posted by Flibbertigibbet at October 22, 2004 11:06 PM
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